Monday, 23 January 2012

Project 52 - Week 3

Well... it was quick shots this week.  ;)

I've been using up all my free time trying to figure out CWB//gray cards/etc... and I realized today why I wasn't getting it.

I had combined two different assignments together in my brain.


Now that I realize my mistake, it's been a lot easier to figure out.

On to the photos!

First, we have Food.


Slice of Justin's Chocolate Banana cream birthday pie.  It was so good.

And for "My Everyday", the theme was Create.


I have many talents.  ;)

That's it for this week!

Well, except for this.

Jan 21 061-edit

Jeff and the boys cleaned out the calf pen yesterday... and let them outside in the snowy sunshine for the first time.

I think they liked it.  ;)


  1. Awwww! Happy baby cowsies! :D

    Cool pictures! You have many mad skillz, that's for sure. Just look at that pie!!!!!!! I can almost taste it! *drooooool*

  2. That pie made me slobber down my chin.

    And is that the blanket for a certain blonde pocket person who deals with our daughters?

    Love the happy baby cows. That picture makes me smile. :)

  3. Look at them jumping! I want that pie... n.o.w. please.


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