Thursday, 13 October 2011

Show {off} your shot!

Hey everyone!  :D  We had a gorgeous week for camping.  And, we packed up our trailer, and our whole campsite for the winter.  Can’t wait for spring to get here so we can get it all out again!  ;)


I’ve been busy at home… and with my blog.  I figured it was time for my own domain, so you’re reading this at  YAY!  Please be patient as I figure out exactly what look I want.  ;)


On to my shot.


I took this on Tuesday night, on the way into town to drop off my two dancers.  The leaves are absolutely gorgeous right now!!



Check out more show (off} shots at Rachel’s.

and then, she {snapped}



  1. The colors are gorgeous but look at that sky!

  2. Your own domain, eh? My, my, we've come up in the world. :D

  3. Your photo is Awesome. The trees are bursting with color. We have had such a dry hot summer that the leaves are mostly brown here.


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