Thursday, 28 April 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 16 Edit

So, for this week I was able to follow along with Ashley’s tutorial.  Yay!  Open-mouthed smile

I have PSE9, and used CoffeeShop’s Vanilla Latte ACR preset.

What do you think?


After some Vanilla Latte, and I also added a warming filter at 30%:


Side by side:


So, what do you think?  I don’t often do B&W stuff, cause I’m not sure that I get it right.  How does this look to you?

Visit Ashley for more friends and family fun!  Smile


  1. I think I like that - it brings a nice vintage look to the image. Great job.

  2. I do really like it. The consistent coloring through out pulls the photo together and makes it more of a group shot, in my opinion. I particularly like the tone of the little girl and the littlest kid. Sweet shot!

  3. Edit looks good!

  4. Except that the edit seems too dark for me in some areas (like by the baby's and daddy's faces) I like the edit! The b&w/sepia really seems to fit and make the focus be more on the people. :)


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