Monday, 14 March 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 9

The theme for Shoot and Edit this week is yellow.

It’s actually sunny here today for a change!  So, we took a break from spring cleaning (yes, we’ve started!) and relaxed for a few minutes in the sunshine.

Rebekah has claimed my old Kodak.  Smile  I took a picture of her taking a picture of me!  There’s yellow from our clothespin bucket reflected in the lens, and also a hint of yellow from Jeff’s car.


And Hannah was loving the sunshine, too.  Poor baby has a cold, and her nose is running and running…


And finally… Hannah was playing with a yellow balloon.  Open-mouthed smile  It’s a little out of focus… but I’m hoping I can save it.  Smile


Linking up with Jill.



  1. Such fun, bright shots! I am looking forward to seeing what you do in edits.

  2. I just love that first shot! She seems so intent with it! :)

  3. What a great shot of Becky. I can see you in her lens.

    It must have been warm for Hannah to be on the deck without a coat.

    I love spring! Not happy the snow isn't melting faster, but am happy to hear the birds chirping madly every day.

  4. Aww poor Hannah has a cold.... :( Deklan had such a bad cold last week, he's finally getting over it now. It was a terror of a cold. SO much mucous. :P And now I have his cold. Thanks, buddy! ;)

    I love that picture of Becky! For some reason "I'm taking a picture of you taking a picture of me" shots make me giggle. XD

    Hannah with the balloon made me laugh. Deklan dose that to his balloons, too. :)

  5. love these shots :-D sorry you have a little sickie in the house. saying a prayer for healing now. love the shot of her taking a photo of you taking a photo of her! my favs too!

  6. The first shot is so cool. You lookin' fine in that teeny lens.

    Poor babies with colds. Thanks goodness all mine have been healthy after our epic battle with whatever it was in January.


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