Thursday, 3 March 2011

Shoot and Edit–Week 8 Edit

It was selfie week, remember?  Winking smile

So, again, here’s my SOOC:


I adjusted slightly in Camera Raw.

Then, I ran MCP Mini Fusion, Baby Powder Room, and adjusted everything to my taste.  I also smudged the paint on the wall to get rid of the noise.  Winking smile

Here’s the result:



My hair isn’t quite that yellow.. but the rest of the picture is really close to real life colours.

Side by side:


For fun, I ran Nelly Nero’s I Fake Film.


Then I thought I’d try a B&W.  I ran PW’s B&W Beauty.


So which edit do you think is the best?


More selfie’s to see at Ashley’s.  Smile



  1. I really do like them all - very nicely done!

  2. I like the B+W.

    It really shows your underlying pigment in the others which can't be helped I don't think.

  3. I really like the I Fake Film! Great edit.

  4. I like them all, but I think I Fake Film is my favorite. I really need to try that action.

  5. beautiful edits - love the color one :-D you know i love B&W's too!

  6. I like the B&W one! I do like all of them, but I have a soft spot for B&W photos. I just can't help it. ;)

  7. I like the 2nd. I Fake Film? I't pretty. The b&w one is cool too, only you have such pretty colouring you should show it off!

  8. At first, I liked the "I Fake Film" but then I settled on the B&W. There is a lot of "pop" and contrast in the B&W and it looks good!

    The original seems washed by the lighting.. but when you brightened it up, it looked good at first glance, but then I noticed when I looked again that the red came out too much on one side with the lips and under your nose on that side. I bet *you* could fix that, though!

  9. Love the I fake film! Lovely selfie :)

  10. Me too from previous comment. Fake Film was a great choice for editing your self portrait.


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