Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Shoot and Edit

So, I decided to play with Ashley and Jill this week.  :)

I'm sure you've all seen this picture before.  But, I love it.  :D  It's as SOOC as I can get it - back in 2007 when I took it, my clothesline was in the picture... and I removed it.  And saved it that way.

Other than that, it's SOOC!  :)


Looking forward to Ashley's tips to help make this even better!  :D



  1. Love it, and I love your signature on the picture, that's neat.

  2. Oh my goodness I love this! What a sweetheart. I can't wait to see what you do with this on Thursday! xo

  3. that is beautiful already - love your angel and composition with the bright blue sky behind him!

    great job!

    excited that you are joining us!


  4. Now that is too stinking cute - I wouldn't do any more editing.

  5. Oh my gosh!! I love it. I think it looks fantastic SOOC.

  6. This is fabulous! I can't believe you got his face exposed so nicely with that bright blue sky. I have yet to achieve that one! :-) Really gorgeous; I'm with Ashley...I'm not sure it needs anything else. It's pretty perfecto. And I'm so sorry I haven't been by in a while. I love your new (or maybe it's not new?) background. To me it's new, and I like it! :-)


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