Well, instead of doing a flashback, today I thought I'd do something a little different.
Now, if your kitchen is always perfect, and never, ever gets messy, please don't look.
If you can't imagine leaving a dirty dish for an hour... then leave now, and come back tomorrow. ;)
If your children are perfect, and always put their dishes in the dishwasher, and their eggshells in the garbage.... please tell me how you do it.
And now.
For the rest of you, who are not perfect..
I give you...
My kitchen.
I didn't do the dishes or any kitchen maintenance for
one day.
Only one.
How does it possibly get so dirty in just one day??
Are there dirty kitchen gnomes?
Even the table had the disease.
Before you have a heart attack, and because you're recoiling in horror at the filth... it looked like this a few hours later.
Much better. (But don't look on top of the microwave. And yes, that is a headless dude, waiting to be glued.)
Me likey.
Now you can come over sometime! :D
So there's my real life.
Does anyone else ever rebel for a day? Please tell me I'm not the only one...
And now, back to looking at prettier pictures... ;)