Friday, 12 November 2010

Flashback Fridays

Yesterday was Jeff's birthday!  :D

So today, here's some flashbacks of my hubby.

Aren't we cute?  Can you believe this was 14 years ago?!?

Sept. 2004  At Jeff's brother's wedding.  He's still 29 in this pic... but not for long.  ;)

Happy 30th Birthday!  :D  (On a side note.. I remember my *mother* turning 30.  And thinking 'wow, that's old.'  And now I'm 5 years past that.  O.o)

Jeff and baby Michael.  Awww.

Jeff's still 30 in this pic... but not for long.  ;)  And poor Michael got the majority of his chicken pox on his sweet little face.  He still has a scar from the bad one on the side of his nose.

So there you go.  He hasn't changed much, has he?  Seriously!  It's that baby face, I tell you.  Keeps him young.

Happy 14th Anniversary of your 22nd Birthday, Jeff!  :D


  1. Aww. Great flashback! Happy Birthday to your hubby!

  2. He hasn't changed at all! Except he shaved all his hair off....

    Happy Birthday Jeffie!!! :D

  3. Bald is better.

    Happy birthday! You're not old yet.

  4. These are great! And I didn't want to ask, but I was always curious if I was older than you. Yup, I am. ;-)


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