Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Hannah pics!

Here are some more pictures of my baby girl!

With this one, I pasted a B&W layer over top, reduced it's opacity and erased it over Hannah.  Love how it turned out.  :)  I think it's my new favourite trick.

It was SO WINDY yesterday!

She loves the kitty.  And Rida loves her.  :)

 She wasn't a fan of walking on the gravel.  ;)

But she'll chase the kitties!

Had to do one 'old-style'.  

And one in B&W.

Love this one.  Used the B&W layer here, too.

A very pregnant Flo LOVES being petted.  Even by a toddler.  ;)  She's just jumping down off the chair, where Hannah was happily whacking her head.  :D

Rida was batting at her feet!  :)

Becky was holding the dolly, so I could snap a pic of her outfit.  It was one of my favourites on tiny Rebekah!  :)  And yes, this one has the B&W layer, too.  I love how it tones down the bright green grass.

It was a lot of fun taking pictures of Hannah yesterday.  We had a very warm, and very windy day, and she was in a good mood... as long as she had her dolly.  ;)  I'm going to put up a few more tomorrow.  ;)



  1. Your little girl is so chewable!! Yum yum yum!

    I love the way the B+W overlay turns out. How cool is that?

  2. What a great photo it.

  3. OLD style one is awesome!

    And the one of her looking down on her dolly is extra cool.

  4. That doll is like Hannah's mini-me!

  5. These are so cute. My favorite is the Old style! Great job!


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