Thursday, 2 October 2008

They say it's Jay's Birthday!!!


It's Jay's birthday today. He is already... 26 years old!! Ack!! I just figured that out in my head. How did my baby brother who ate dirt, weird pond scum, ABC gum, cat food (that he thought was dog food... I don't know why that was better...) last until now!! He must have an iron stomach or something. ;)

I have all these snapshots of Jay in my head. If only I could scan my brain, then I could post some really awesome pictures!! But, until that day comes, these will have to do.

Here is Jay, caught in the hall around Dec. 1991. (Yes, I stalked my siblings with my camera. I would do it again in a heartbeat - and actually, I'd do it more. >:}

Here is Jay and Daniel, posing in 1992.

Here is Jay, on Heather's birthday 1993. Gotta get every last drop of ice cream, doncha know!

Here is Jay taking a break from the dance floor at Sarah's wedding. Guess his tongue was feeling too big for his mouth or something.

And, here is our Jay camping at Creekside. Lovely burn, Jay. How did that feel the next day? ;) We were lucky this year - Jay got to come camping a lot. Yay for camping!

Happy Birthday Jay! Hugs and Kisses.

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