When we got home from Riverside, Mom, Dad and the kids, and Heather and her kids came up for the week.

We also got to have Kaleb and Kaitlyn! They are too cute. Kaleb was lovin' the creek, but we convinced him that the little baby pool was fun, too. It was REALLY cold, being as we filled it up with the water from the well, but they loved it.

Even Ava got in on the action.

Kaleb thought it was so much fun to pour the COLD water on his own head. And, even
more fun to pour it on Kaitlyn's head! ;)

Kaitlyn, all warm by the campfire.

Linda and Michael having fun.

Fun at the campfire.

Justin and Critter had the same sweater! They were twins for the night.

I'm not exactly sure what was going on, but they seem to be having fun. ;)

I caught Quin and Nate in a picture as they were running by. They were having a blast chasing each other all over the campsite.

It was a lot of fun. It rained on Wednesday, which was really crappy, but overall we had a lot of fun.
We're camping for Thanksgiving next. Are you coming?
Yep, we'll be there with bells and whistles and a turkey or two...er, I mean CHICKEN! I have LOTS of those!